Highways and Bridges
Misc Rehabilitation of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Suspension Spans
Owner: MDOT
Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Project amount: $8 million
When completed in 1952, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge was the longest steel structure crossing any body of water in the world. The original dual-span bridge ran 4.3 miles and was accompanied by a parallel span added in 1973 with both spans running over the bay’s two shipping channels.
The rehab on this project includes the replacement of the Eastbound Bridge rocker links, wind shoes, lower struts, the navigational lighting system and replacement of the Westbound span stringer expansion bearings.
Vango Services: CPM Scheduling Services
Intersection Improvements for MD Route 97 at Burntwoods Road
Owner: Maryland State Highway Administration
Location: Glenwood, Maryland
Project amount: $ 3.1 million
The MD 97 project includes improvement of approx. 2 miles of roadway and intersection, bio-swale construction, storm drainage, installation of new traffic signals, curb, gutter and pavement.
Vango Services: CPM Scheduling Services
495 Capital Beltway HOT Lanes
Owner: Capital Beltway Express, LLC
Location: Arlington, Virginia
Project amount: $1.6 billion
One of Virginia’s MEGAPROJECTS, the 495 Express Lanes project is a four lane roadway that spans over 16 miles and crosses multiple major intersections on the Virginia side as it connects the Capital Beltway (495) with the Springfield Interchange. The purpose of this project is to provide high-speed toll access to Washington Metro area drivers. The second leg of the project, 395 HOT Lanes, is currently under design.
Vango Services: Project Controls, Process Management and Dispute Resolution Services